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Discovery Bible Groups

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What is a Discovery Bible Study?

A Discovery Bible Study (DBS) is a discipleship study which enables people to read the Bible and discover what it has to say to them. Simple, memorable questions allow participants to understand the character of God, encourage them to obey what they are learning and help them to share it with others.

Discovery Bible Studies work best in small groups of between four and eight people - preferably people who already know each other. 

A Discovery Group allows people to discover God as they read His Word.  The Discovery Group encourages disciple-making, obedience, ministry, & leadership development.

Structure of DBS

Discovery Bible Studies normally start with a review of the previous session's actions (unless it is the first study). After this, we read the scripture passage for the current study, usually several times and then ask people to retell the story in their own words. Once people are happy with the story we ask the following questions:


  • What does this story tell me about God?
  • What does this story tell me about people (or myself)?
  • If this is God's word for my lives how will I obey it?
  • Who am I going to tell?

We normally conclude each session by sharing what as made us happy and what we are struggling with.  These questions promote an understanding of authority of scripture, as well as encouraging practical discipleship and evangelism.

How does it work?

It all seems pretty simple, right? So what is so good about DBS and why does it work?

  • DBS works because it is so simple. The structure is easy to teach, easy to remember and easy to replicate. That means that anyone can run a DBS with anybody, anywhere.
  • Despite their simplicity, the Discovery Bible Study questions are very powerful and people often come up with profound discoveries from the stories
  • The last two questions teach people from the start of the need to obey God's word, and the need to share it with others. Disciples who obey God's word and share it are more likely to make disciples of others.

What is discipleship?

Jesus called a small group of people (his disciples) to follow him, and equipped them to share the good news of the Kingdom of God with others. Discipleship is not just learning about Jesus. It also requires us to obey him, share the message with others and enable them to also become his disciples. Discipleship is similar to training or apprenticeship and the results of it affect every area of our lives.

Get started

So how do you launch Discovery Bible Studies? Simply invite someone to start the studies with you. If they say yes, ask if there are others who might like to join in. 


Suggestions for a DBS

Suggestions for a DBS

  1. God Creates – Genesis 1:1-25
  2. God Creates Man and Woman – Genesis 2:4-24
  3. Man and Woman Eat the Fruit – Genesis 3:1-13
  4. God’s Curses – Genesis 3:14-24
  5. God Regrets His Creation – Genesis 6:5-8
  6. God Saves Noah and His Family – Genesis 6:9 – 8:14
  7. God’s Covenant with Noah – Genesis 8:15 -9:17
  8. God’s Covenant with Abram – Genesis 12:1-8, 15:1-6, 17:1-7
  9. Abraham Gives His Son as an Offering – Genesis 22:1-19
  10. God Spares His People – Exodus 12:1-28
  11. The Commands of God – Exodus 20:1-21
  12. The Sin Offering – Leviticus4:1-35
  13. God’s Righteous Servant – Isaiah 53
  14. Jesus is Born – Luke 1:26-38, 2:1-20
  15. Jesus is Baptized – Matthew 3; John 1:29-34
  16. Jesus is Tested –  Matthew 4:1-11
  17. Jesus and the Religious Leader – John 3:1-21
  18. Jesus and the Samaritan Woman – John 4:1-26, 39-42
  19. Jesus and the Paralyzed Man – Luke 5:17-26
  20. Jesus Calms the Storm – Mark 4:35-41
  21. Jesus and the Man with Evil Spirits – Mark 5:1-20
  22. Jesus Raises a Man from the Dead – John 11:1-44
  23. Jesus Talks about His Betrayal and the Covenant – Matthew 26:17-30
  24. Jesus is Betrayed and Faces Trial – John 18:1-19:16
  25. Jesus is Crucified – Luke 23:32-56
  26. Jesus is Resurrected – Luke 24:1-35
  27. Jesus Appears to the Disciples and Ascends to Heaven – Luke 24:36-53
  28. Enter into the Kingdom God – John 3:1-21